So it's been about a year since my last posting, yeah I know I said "frequent" but some life stuff happened. During this year's time though I have moved twice and have gotten a better paying job which takes up most of my free time. I still play League of Legends and WoW though.
At ease Geek Army, I'm the newest member of the roster here. I go by a few names in the gaming scene Tank, Wittyusername, and Kancho. I've joined the team to help Peter take on the blog scene as well as trying to bring you the latest news in the gaming world. I'm going to start off with some things we all should have seen and heard about as well as hopefully show you something you may have not seen before.
Look at this beauty. Just look at her. The sleek, curvy body. The familiar shape. This is the future of gaming as we know it. Do I sound like a Sony fan boy? Maybe a little. Today I was lucky enough to actually lay my hands on the new DualShock 4 controller that will be to accompany the long awaited PlayStation 4 coming out later this month.
I have a strange feeling this woman smells like a pear tree.
Listen. Ellen Page is hot. This game involves Ellen Page being hot and also being haunted by a dead ghost companion, Aiden. She controls Aiden (sort of) and has him do a bunch of cool shit like flip tables and kill people. This is a pretty strange concept for a game right? Hang on there, cowboy, because it is actually pretty fun.
Still interested? Read on. Or don't. I don't really give a shit.
Nvidia is releasing their own portable console this year. This is not just your average portable though, this is a full hand held gaming experience that will be able to play your PC games from Steam AND play any android game as well. This is something that has never really been done. This is pure awesome.
Pokemon has had a strange journey. Over the years we've seen countless iterations (OK it can be counted, 36 to be exact), movies, tv shows, merchendise, a trading card game, and the list goes on. So why am I covering a horse being mercilessly beaten to death? Because Pokemon is still fun, people love it, possibly even more so as an adult. Collecting little dudes and leveling them up to fight to the death for you is entertainment hearkening back to mankind's time in Rome's Coliseum. Fight for me, minions!
Where were you on October, 26th, 2000? If you were a die hard fan of the original Sony Playstation then you may have been anxiously waiting in line to get your hands on this bad boy.
The PS2 was a beast in its hey day. Beating the crap out of your buddies never looked so good, and role playing games were taken to a whole other level. The massive amounts of awesome inside this thing made all of us geeky kids drool.
News, Reviews, and other things revolving around the Gaming industry.
Peter Testimonials:
Old Clarence: "When I was seven Peter saved me from freezing to death after falling into an icy lake. I've never forgotten the look in his beard."
Sylvia Vanderblarg: "I first met Peter at a Beatles concert in London, 1967. I'm 19. He time traveled us there with magical science and bought me a drink."
Sluckingham Blunderpuff:"My great, great grandfather is Picasso, but my inspiration is Peter."
Goldburg Plungingbutter:"If I had to choose between saving everyone and everything I hold dear, besides Peter, and saving Peter, I'd definitely ask for his autograph afterwards."