Look at this beauty. Just look at her. The sleek, curvy body. The familiar shape. This is the future of gaming as we know it. Do I sound like a Sony fan boy? Maybe a little. Today I was lucky enough to actually lay my hands on the new DualShock 4 controller that will be to accompany the long awaited PlayStation 4 coming out later this month.
Where were you on October, 26th, 2000? If you were a die hard fan of the original Sony Playstation then you may have been anxiously waiting in line to get your hands on this bad boy.
The PS2 was a beast in its hey day. Beating the crap out of your buddies never looked so good, and role playing games were taken to a whole other level. The massive amounts of awesome inside this thing made all of us geeky kids drool.
News, Reviews, and other things revolving around the Gaming industry.
Peter Testimonials:
Old Clarence: "When I was seven Peter saved me from freezing to death after falling into an icy lake. I've never forgotten the look in his beard."
Sylvia Vanderblarg: "I first met Peter at a Beatles concert in London, 1967. I'm 19. He time traveled us there with magical science and bought me a drink."
Sluckingham Blunderpuff:"My great, great grandfather is Picasso, but my inspiration is Peter."
Goldburg Plungingbutter:"If I had to choose between saving everyone and everything I hold dear, besides Peter, and saving Peter, I'd definitely ask for his autograph afterwards."