I have a strange feeling this woman smells like a pear tree.
Listen. Ellen Page is hot. This game involves Ellen Page being hot and also being haunted by a dead ghost companion, Aiden. She controls Aiden (sort of) and has him do a bunch of cool shit like flip tables and kill people. This is a pretty strange concept for a game right? Hang on there, cowboy, because it is actually pretty fun.
Still interested? Read on. Or don't. I don't really give a shit.
News, Reviews, and other things revolving around the Gaming industry.
Peter Testimonials:
Old Clarence: "When I was seven Peter saved me from freezing to death after falling into an icy lake. I've never forgotten the look in his beard."
Sylvia Vanderblarg: "I first met Peter at a Beatles concert in London, 1967. I'm 19. He time traveled us there with magical science and bought me a drink."
Sluckingham Blunderpuff:"My great, great grandfather is Picasso, but my inspiration is Peter."
Goldburg Plungingbutter:"If I had to choose between saving everyone and everything I hold dear, besides Peter, and saving Peter, I'd definitely ask for his autograph afterwards."