Kyle is a geek army of one. He hunts hippies and specializes in first person shooters, MMO's and RPG's.
Kancho is the newest member of the GWG army. His forte is MOBA style games, World of Warcraft, as well as console gaming. He will bring frequent updates to the site for news and up coming events in the gaming world.
Ban and Kyle have been playing together for months. Although he is Canadian, we forgive him because he always brings us maple syrup. He specializes in pretty much everything except racing, which he sucks dick in. Also, that isn't his picture.
Find his YouTube channel at:
Find his YouTube channel at:
Rosy (xbionicangelx)
Rosy is one of our Rust admins and a professional beater of ass. She specializes is emasculating players in action/FPS games. She lives in New Zealand, which is similar to Australia, but with less Kangaroo races. She literally has girl parts.
Peter is the president of Zimbabwe. He loves roleplaying games, action adventure, and Richard Simmons workout videos.
Alex is a smooth criminal. He likes all kinds of games, although he's heavy into shooters and action.
Kiernan is a Jedi Knight. He enjoys sandbox RPG's and modding.