At ease Geek Army, I'm the newest member of the roster here. I go by a few names in the gaming scene Tank, Wittyusername, and Kancho. I've joined the team to help Peter take on the blog scene as well as trying to bring you the latest news in the gaming world. I'm going to start off with some things we all should have seen and heard about as well as hopefully show you something you may have not seen before.
I'm sure we've all seen the Disney Pixar movie Wall-E. Great film, but I'm not here to critique it. I'm here to show you this:
It has been spread around that this is the way the human race is going. people with a HUD in frount of them. Google has their Glass project. And then there is Oculus Rift. This is bringing the gaming world to the next in techonology with supreme 3D techonology. You can use it to play games like Amnesia, or Slender to make you shit your pants even harder. It will bring the bullets right to your face from Battle Field 4 to the new Call of Duty. Zombies popping up in your face on Contagion. We've all seen the Oculus Rift and heard of it's greatness.
The Oculus Rift.
Now on to what I think will be the cutting edge in PC gaming. The EPOC neuroheadset is already on the market and was released earlier this year. People have been able to use this for games and general control of their computers. Now you can control Steve with your mind while breaking blocks in a 3D world with your Oculus rift. I think we are truly coming into gaming greatness with these two devices. You can literally sit back and do nothing while still building, crafting, and all that minecrafting stuff. You can survive and not starve on Don't Starve. In all honesty I haven't tried it yet so I can't relate on how it would be with first person shooters like Call of Duty, Battle Field, or Chivalry. But I can almost garuntee you with time just like any technology it will come to fruition and we can all play video games with pin point accuracy with nothing more than the tower, Rift, and EPOC.
News, Reviews, and other things revolving around the Gaming industry.
Peter Testimonials:
Old Clarence: "When I was seven Peter saved me from freezing to death after falling into an icy lake. I've never forgotten the look in his beard."
Sylvia Vanderblarg: "I first met Peter at a Beatles concert in London, 1967. I'm 19. He time traveled us there with magical science and bought me a drink."
Sluckingham Blunderpuff:"My great, great grandfather is Picasso, but my inspiration is Peter."
Goldburg Plungingbutter:"If I had to choose between saving everyone and everything I hold dear, besides Peter, and saving Peter, I'd definitely ask for his autograph afterwards."